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Take The #ColorMyWorldPledge

Participating in a humanitarian trip is much more than the experience in a foreign country. To make the most of the trip, and to truly allow it to make a difference in your life, you need to dedicate time and effort before to make sure that you are fully prepared for the experience.

As a team, here at Color My World, we have thought for a long time about what advice we can give our volunteers to help them make the most of their experience. We even carried out surveys with prior volunteers to make sure that we weren’t missing anything!

After a whole lot of planning, we came up with the #ColorMyWorldPledge as a way for every volunteer to make sure that they were truly prepared for their summer humanitarian experience.

What is the #ColorMyWorldPledge?

By taking the pledge, volunteers are committing to themselves and their friends and family that they are going to make sure that they are completely prepared for their humanitarian experience. The pledge focuses on 4 key areas,

learn the language

Day One-2

learn about poverty

Day One-6

keep a journal

Day One-4

fundraise for a day

Number Four-2

These 4 areas enable the volunteer to make sure that they will be an asset to the community that they will be serving, whilst enabling a change in their own lives. The whole process follows the Color My World Mantra of searching inward, looking upward, and reaching outward.

How you can take the pledge?

Show your support by posting on your social media the #ColorMyWorldPledge. Use our picture and share what you are looking forward to most.

Join the Color My World Pledge-3

Each week we will be sharing ideas and insights into the 4 different parts of the pledge, inviting you to take part, starting on Monday 8th May with learning the language.

By taking the pledge, we also invite you to share the pledge. We want to know what you are doing. If you learn a new Spanish phrase, share it on your social media and tag us in it, we’ll share one back! We are all in this together.

We can’t wait to have all our volunteers join us this summer in Central America, fully prepared to make a difference in the world.