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Color My World’s Education Program

Each year Color My World takes volunteers from North America and Europe to Central America.

While the activities vary each year according to needs, the supporting of the rising generation is always a constant focus.
Education is key
Color My World is proud to sponsor schools and community centres in Jiquilillo, Nicaragua and their English programs. Each year we have volunteers work in local community centres and schools to help increase the opportunity for learning in these rural communities.

In a recent article The World Bank highlighted that 80% of all 25 to 39 year old Nicaraguans have a primary school education or less, with that percentage growing in rural areas.


Over recent years Nicaragua has received attention from the travel and tourism industry from its untouched natural habitat, and continued reductions in crime. This attention will require a workforce capable of speaking a variety of different languages, with English being one of them.

This fact hit home last year in our 2015 humanitarian trip when one of our Nicaraguan friends that we had been working with for several years became a tour guide for the hotel where we stay.
So what is it that our volunteers can expect to do while in Nicaragua? The answer is simple,
reach out and share what you know.
We do not expect our volunteers to have teaching qualifications, or to take away from the skilled teachers that they already have in Nicaragua, but instead to help and support in the rural areas that are in need.

With every volunteer comes a more authentic way to learn a language, instead of reading from a book, the locals have the opportunity to practice their skills through conversations, and learn the intricacies of the language.

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When it comes to charity work though, every volunteer soon realises that they receive more than they can ever give. We see this happen every day in Nicaragua, and the classroom is no exception. As soon as volunteers arrive they practice their Spanish with the locals, learning from the very people that they came to serve.


Color My World has noticed how important this is, and has hired one of the local mothers to teach Spanish to the volunteers each week, focusing on just one of the many things that the volunteers learn from the people of Nicaragua.


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What is the result of the Color My World Education Program? For everyone to be changed as a result, the volunteer and the local by learning from each other.

“The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives”Robert M. Hutchings

Donate to help keep our education programs operating in Nicaragua!

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