Paige is a college student from Utah and recently volunteered with Color My World in India. We asked her to share her experience with us for our campaign #CMWvolunteer.
How did you hear about our organization?
I was introduced to Color My World by my sister Hanna who went to Costa Rica a few years ago with the non-profit. My sister’s meaningful experience enlightened me to the incredible impact the organization has for deficient communities all around the world.

Why did you pick the trip/ country that you went to?
I picked India because it is a place filled with opportunity. The compelling opportunity to use my god given skills to help deficient communities excited me to go to “the land of the noble ones”. With that said, I wanted to connect myself to the variety of non-profit organizations established in India with the intent of helping kids.

Did you come with a friend or family member?
I came on this trip with my mom and loved it!
Did you fundraise for this trip?
I did not fundraise for this trip. However, next time, I will definitely find the time to fundraise.
What were some of your favorite activities/ projects?
I found touring and helping Balak Trust ( non-profit organization helping educate kids living on the streets) to be my favorite activity. While at Balak Trust, we were given a tour around the impoverished streets of New Delhi. There, I was able to learn in depth about the astonishing stories of where young children that come to Balak Trust grow up and how they survive the unpredictable realities of living on the streets.

What lessons did you learn while volunteering?
One of the greatest lessons I learned while volunteering in India starts with this phrase, ‘salaam baalak’ which translates to, ‘salute the children’. This taught me that, even the smallest acts of kindness such as respecting and spending time with kids, can help communities in a significant way.

What would you tell future volunteers?
First and foremost, I would tell future volunteers to never say no when someone in your group offers you free bottled water. It is way too hot in India to resist water. Along with that, never be afraid to ask strangers questions. While volunteering at Bal Prakash Children’s Center I sat next to a couple of older ladies. Because of my curiosity, I learned a great deal from these ladies about the importance of receiving an education.
India was an extraordinary experience for me. There, I saw a glimpse of the astonishing efforts Color My World accomplishes for deficient communities around the world. In India, Color My World volunteers uplifted kids who are living an exhausting life on the streets. Color My World volunteers planted the seeds of inspiration to the kids on the street who long for safety, knowledge, and exhilaration. It’s because of Color My Worlds significant hard work and dedication to making communities welcoming places for children to inhabit around the world, people are inspired to be active volunteers in their communities.