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3 Ways You Can Serve Others This Christmas Season

As we approach the Christmas season, it is natural for our minds to focus on the service we can give to others around us. Whether a family member, friend, or stranger, there is always someone that you can reach out to.

Over the next month, as you celebrate Christmas, and look forward to the New Year, find ways to serve others around you.

Share the joy of Christmas

Often it is the smallest of gestures that makes the biggest impact. The simplicity of sharing messages of love and appreciation can lift others around us.

With the Christmas season becoming more and more commercial each year, it is easy to lose the real reason for the celebration. All too often family time becomes diluted from the stresses of buying the correct gifts. While gifts may fade away and be forgotten over the preceding weeks and months, relationships and friendships never do.


This Christmas season, place value on the things that matter most. Make a commitment to share the joy of Christmas with everyone that you meet, by telling your loved ones what they mean to you.

Find small acts of service

Throughout all our time volunteering, one of the biggest things we have learned at Color My World, is how much your love for others increases after you serve them. Through service, you place yourself in their shoes, and begin to understand their life.

Every day we are all confronted with opportunities to serve. Whether by opening a door for someone, or shovelling snow off a neighbour’s driveway. You can make someone else’s day better through service. As you give of yourself, your appreciation for the season will increase.


Make this Christmas one that you will never forget by serving others.

Share with those less fortunate than yourself

Disaster and misfortune can hit any of us at any time. These circumstances can be momentary, or last a lifetime. This Christmas season give of your excess to provide an unforgettable Christmas to those around you.

With charitable organisations throughout the world, working with those less fortunate than ourselves, has never been easier. Whether in time or resources, what you can provide will change a life this Christmas. The acts do not need to be big. Giving an hour of your time at a soup kitchen will provide a meal for the hungry, donating money to a charity will provide a gift to a child.


Make this Christmas season the best one yet, by giving of yourself.