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Iowa Young Mother of the Year

7 months pregnant, Angela Hughes, Iowa Young Mother of the Year, spoke at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City on Strengthening Families.


About American Mothers:

American Mothers, Inc.® is committed to valuing mothers through service and education and has been MomStrong since 1935. As the official sponsor of Mother’s Day and the Mother of the Year®, American Mothers continues the legacy of celebrating motherhood.

Honoring the mission of the organization founders Sara Delano Roosevelt, Mamie Eisenhower, JC Penney, and Norman Vincent Peale, American Mothers is dedicated to reducing rates of violence and improving the lives of mothers and families in the US and around the world.

Each year American Mothers honors motherhood by naming the National Mother of the Year® and hosting the Mom to Mom Conference. As an Non Governmental Organization (NGO) centered at the United Nations and leader of the Global Motherhood Coalition, American Mothers organizes annual panel discussions and participates in high level meetings focused on addressing global struggles for mothers and families. By bringing mothers together from across the country, American Mothers organizes maternal energy for positive change.

Many outstanding individuals throughout the US have served as officers, leaders, members, and supporters of American Mothers including Phyllis Marriott, Congresswoman Corrinne “Lindy” Boggs, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. After 80 years we are still MomStrong!

Our Mission:

To champion women by honoring, educating and serving mothers at home, at work and in the world.
Our Vision:

To be a nationally recognized and respected voice on issues impacting mothers.
Our Values:

An abiding respect for mothers and their role in society.
A desire for collaboration between mothers in service for the common good.
A heart of compassion for issues and challenges facing mothers around the globe.
An acknowledgement of diversity among mothers and their individual choices.
A recognition of the power of a mother’s inner strength.
A commitment to honor mothers for their leadership and service at home, at work and in the world.

For more information visit American Mothers

September 4, 2000